Friday 13 April 2012

If Jerusalem

If Jerusalem was made
From stone
I would have turned it
Into gold
Cause gold don’t
Rust or break down
Or get old
Gold is a man
Of steal that holds
Secrets of mines
And minds of slaves
And hearts of dames

If Jerusalem was a god
I would have crucified him
On a mountain of skulls
Cause no god deserves
To live among us
The lost souls
The damned
And the demons in human flesh

If Jerusalem was a virgin and she’s not
I would have told her
To go to bars
Find strange men
And make love to them
Cause there isn’t a knight
On a black steed who will come
And marry her.

Friday 6 April 2012


Holy Bathtub

Holy bathtub!
A window that shows Ram-Allah
A Jesus rests in a cold bathtub
Smoking his last joint cigarette
What it seems as a burned photograph
Of a woman with a white veil
Lies in an ashtray made of an old olive wood.
There are few crimson dry drops of wine
Spilled on the white fresh towel, next to the toilet
And a cracked statue of a dove hangs between the ceiling and the wall mirror.
“Are you done?” a voice of a young guy came from the outside with a gentle knock on the door
“No, give me another three minutes.” 

Friday 30 March 2012


"We also sent Lut: He said to his people: Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds. And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!"" (Qur'an 7:80-82)

the water ripples
like wrinkly skin degenerating 
like pilgrims violating each other
to get closer to god

how can I be
what killed the dead sea?

the water ripples
salt on nipples
your lips aflame
fire-red eyes
fire sweeping your taste buds
fire cracks your skin

how can I be
what killed the dead sea?

the water ripples
like angels fighting
over the throne
open doors to hell

there is an all-male orgy
under the rippling water
there is a gathering of diamonds
statues so beautiful hidden
in the world's deepest wound

Trading Places

Trading places....

Today I decided to trade places with something I hold dear to my heart and thus, this poem....

I, not the mirror, am your greatest reflection…
feel me and I spill all your secrets
or in love.. I watch your every move and grow….

On cold nights you hold me close under your blanket,
And each night you tattoo me…
Pierce my eyes and distort my vision
With names, issues, dates
“This is my best friend
That is my boss
Today was the greatest
I feel bad for letting him go…”

Every night, under a lamp, you insist on smudging my face
Burning my innocence, suffocating me with burdens your soul can’t take on anymore..
You share with me your all, and I give you my all
And though you leave me  the dust of memories, and pieces of news
I lovingly belong to you and only you,
Yes! your secrets belong to me
Seeing your face gives me comfort and my heart skips a beat whenever you near me

I wish I could tell you so many things
Whisper to you secret names you say when you dream
Or describe the gleam of your eye whenever I am around
But I do not betray my master
and I, I know you won’t listen
Because that’s when you will find me
Crouching between books, dreams and days
Close, personal, yours forever
Love xoxo,
Your Diary

More Than Flesh

A beautiful young woman
Swaying to the beat
Moving like a snake
Hypnotized by the drum
Her waist has a mind of its own
Covered, but uncovered
Burning hot in every color she puts on
Turning hearts and pulling eyes to every curve
Arrows unleashed, landing on her skin
Her long black hair
Her wide, wild eyes
She's the woman of your fantasy

I'm the opposite of ignorant
My spirit turns hearts
My body is covered, my mind is not
I don't dance, I run
Books and words hypnotize me
I burn to brighten the world
My long black hair
My wide, wild eyes
I'm not your fantasy

I am a daughter, sister, mother
I am a scholar, teacher, writer
I'm the roots of olive trees
And the wind rustling through their leaves

Beauty of a Cemetery

Row after row of quietness
And neat white gravestones.

You’ll find the much-missed tranquility
in our over-crowded city
Where family members never been closer;
Sharing the unaccounted passing moments.

The cemetery never speaks ill of the dead:
*a loving mother*
*a loyal husband*
*a hero*.
The cemetery won’t forget your birthday.
The cemetery is inevitable.

In a cemetery;
blessings drop from skies;
Prayers chanted all day long.
In a cemetery,
you’re never alone.
Between the sky scrapers and clouds of car exhausts,
Your world turns green
of trees, flowers,
And moss growing between the letters of your name.

Mad hatter and Don't Judge

Mad Hatter 

I am made of cards
Made of broken red hearts
In the queen’s maze I got lost
Upon, my fate
A sentence was put
“off with his head”
The voice of red, shouted
And I ran into my looking glass.

I waited centuries in the darkness
And never got out
I waited for her
My savior in the blue apron
But, no she never came,
To wonderland. 

Alone, I spent days
And nights
Hats, dreaming about
A forest
Where I used to laugh
A mad man, insane
They called me
A pervert
With a tea pot
And a missing mind.

Where am I?
Where are the real people?
I wish to pray again for a god
But all what I found here
Are caterpillars on mushrooms
Smoking shishas and rabbits drinking wine. 

Don’t Judge!

Don’t judge me!
God is a man
Man is a god
And men kill
Their gods.

“I have visions”
This is what I was told
When I saw God smoking
And sipping cold shots
Of oceans

I am an Atheist
I don’t believe in this life
My only religion
Is a goddess
Who makes out
With shepherds
And deer

I may be complicated
But I am simple in the
Way I speak
I don’t sleep with mortals
Deities are my pleasure
And life.  

Friday 23 March 2012

A new start..A new poem

For an enthusiastic start....

 A start

To start somewhere
You must simply end something else….
It is a perfect equation for normal balance;
To get a tree to grow, you seize to be a seed
To catch your flight, open your wings
To embrace a shadow walk through the light..
To live…..stop dying.

Vibrant to the beat
For you are the residue of your thoughts by the river and your tears over blank pages ….
Ideas form your body and words sketch you on a hard cardboard called "life"
Talk hides everywhere for and from you;
On a bench
Behind the tree, on a tongue .. even in a grandmother’s lap..
It just bends upon your request !

Whiteness causes no fear..  
Diversity is always the key to success..
A rush of emotions and a light overhead push you out of your own way
Start writing…write.. write.. write..
To start writing
Stop slacking and use a pen …
Screamed a voice in my head…

Confessions of a Lonely Woman

I slept on the edges of single beds
Night after night
Leaving enough room for you
To hold me in my sleep
I longed for your body heat

And ached for the delicious sensation
Of your body weight on top of me
Holding me down
Protecting me from monsters under my bed

Your breath on my neck kept me up at night
And future memories of a bear hug
Haunted my day dreams and my waking hours

I drew images of affectionate intimacy
In the smoke of my cigarette
And pictured you a dark shadow around the corner
Hand on my door knob
Twisting my heart open

You were my last thought before sleep
The first in the morning
And all in between

I can write a book on you
Your every habit
And give aways
Your hoarse voice
And the way you say my name

But still I’m waiting for a coincidence
The moment we cross paths
The fireworks
Eyes meet..


Not every cloud has a silver lining
Some are black to the bone
There isn't light at the end of every tunnel
It isn't darkest before the dawn

These aren't my words
This is my soul.

I wrote this for all my mornings and nights
I wrote this for all my mournings and knights
And I will recite this prayer
Every time I stand before an open grave

I wrote this for all the time
This is my soul.

I wrote this for the thick white fog
That is heavily wrapping Jerusalem
Like a Muslim cadaver
like a fresh mummy
I come from the city of ghosts
I wrote this for you, death
An attempt to satisfy your impatience
Here, have my soul.

I have mourned too many people
to believe in life
after death and this is a note
of gratitude from all the other orphans
I breath
Life is a burden that not all can carry
A gift that not all deserve.

silver moon collection

I. Rape 

When the first virgin of unicorns
Opened the box
The evil inside
Was released
I had the form of a god
Made out of roses
I raped the virgin
And it stayed the same
From my poison

I.                  Mirage
He roamed alone
As a wingless moth
Searching for a drop of honey
In a lion’s mouth
The oil well refused to give him
And his western mind
Refused to believe the lie
A mirage
A dream
Of Eve as a belly dancer
And a camel
Speaks Urdu
And wears
Dior Show black-out mascara

II.               Sipping Nescafe
A single star is shining
A space ship
In my house
On my bed
Sipping my
Watching T.V
As a white man
Watching porn
With the curtains
Closed… it’s the globe
That we are living in
Circling in fog
And throwing out
Us as rotten food
In a homeless tummy 
III.            I am
I am the woods that were cut
The high tip tops of pine and palm
I am the wind that was shut
Jaffa and its oranges
يافا و بردئانها

I am the streets with its sluts
I am the bars with its mini skirts
And I am a hooker from above
A holy sinner
A right holder
With cheap lipstick
And dry lips

I am a teenager
On a cross-
Tall hair?
Piercing in the belly
Piercing in the tongue
Piercing in the whiteness of my eye 
And piercing in my lust

I am me
A depression
A knight
In shining armor
A fright
A fried fries
With nuggets
And gummies
With chips
And a bunch of lost kids
A bottle of mine
Empty, but still has the smell
Of night
A wet shirt
Wet pants
A new bottle of
Nail polish
Spilled on the floor
Of my second floor apartment

IV.            Yaffa
Yaffa from the sea
And the horizon looks close
An acre of moon
An acre of juice
A house of stone
And stairs of rosary
The smell of sea shells
And voices of sirens
Calling sailors
For free outdoor sex

Sand mingles in my ear
And makes me hear the sound
Of the furies
Gun shots and SNAP
A soldier coming from the corner
Thirsty for blood

And I used to think that vampires
Should be invited to come…

. My name
My name sounds as I want it to be
And ends with a silent e 
