Friday 6 April 2012

Holy Bathtub

Holy bathtub!
A window that shows Ram-Allah
A Jesus rests in a cold bathtub
Smoking his last joint cigarette
What it seems as a burned photograph
Of a woman with a white veil
Lies in an ashtray made of an old olive wood.
There are few crimson dry drops of wine
Spilled on the white fresh towel, next to the toilet
And a cracked statue of a dove hangs between the ceiling and the wall mirror.
“Are you done?” a voice of a young guy came from the outside with a gentle knock on the door
“No, give me another three minutes.” 

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the beauty of the images! they are so far-fetched, bas I can't get the symbolism a bit confusing, doesn't mean i didn't enjoy reading the poem...keep them coming ;)
