Friday 30 March 2012

Mad hatter and Don't Judge

Mad Hatter 

I am made of cards
Made of broken red hearts
In the queen’s maze I got lost
Upon, my fate
A sentence was put
“off with his head”
The voice of red, shouted
And I ran into my looking glass.

I waited centuries in the darkness
And never got out
I waited for her
My savior in the blue apron
But, no she never came,
To wonderland. 

Alone, I spent days
And nights
Hats, dreaming about
A forest
Where I used to laugh
A mad man, insane
They called me
A pervert
With a tea pot
And a missing mind.

Where am I?
Where are the real people?
I wish to pray again for a god
But all what I found here
Are caterpillars on mushrooms
Smoking shishas and rabbits drinking wine. 

Don’t Judge!

Don’t judge me!
God is a man
Man is a god
And men kill
Their gods.

“I have visions”
This is what I was told
When I saw God smoking
And sipping cold shots
Of oceans

I am an Atheist
I don’t believe in this life
My only religion
Is a goddess
Who makes out
With shepherds
And deer

I may be complicated
But I am simple in the
Way I speak
I don’t sleep with mortals
Deities are my pleasure
And life.  


  1. So many themes, so much energy and high concentration of philosophy! I loved how you waved your way to the depth of a character,, i enjoyed reading it.. Good job..
    I don't think you should have connected both poems in one post; each is whole without the other--

  2. You are cheating. One poem only! :p

  3. hhh reem i didn't connect them! they are totally different, but i wanted to post them together cause i hate waiting for next friday to post what i ve wrote last week! :D
