Friday 30 March 2012

Trading Places

Trading places....

Today I decided to trade places with something I hold dear to my heart and thus, this poem....

I, not the mirror, am your greatest reflection…
feel me and I spill all your secrets
or in love.. I watch your every move and grow….

On cold nights you hold me close under your blanket,
And each night you tattoo me…
Pierce my eyes and distort my vision
With names, issues, dates
“This is my best friend
That is my boss
Today was the greatest
I feel bad for letting him go…”

Every night, under a lamp, you insist on smudging my face
Burning my innocence, suffocating me with burdens your soul can’t take on anymore..
You share with me your all, and I give you my all
And though you leave me  the dust of memories, and pieces of news
I lovingly belong to you and only you,
Yes! your secrets belong to me
Seeing your face gives me comfort and my heart skips a beat whenever you near me

I wish I could tell you so many things
Whisper to you secret names you say when you dream
Or describe the gleam of your eye whenever I am around
But I do not betray my master
and I, I know you won’t listen
Because that’s when you will find me
Crouching between books, dreams and days
Close, personal, yours forever
Love xoxo,
Your Diary


  1. alice... it's like taking us to ur most intimate place! ur bedroom! i feel as i was there! the images are so rich! and i totally got random pictures of different objects!bravo!

  2. Thanks Emilio :) It is great to her good feedback about my new poems :) thanks for the support
